Short Sample 3D Video Files
Ray 3D
Last Updated 10-18-07
Downloadable Video Samples in various formats.
Choose your favorite viewing format from the sample images below,
then select the MPG file for a 6 second moving video clip.
For instructions on how to view crosseye and parallel images,
go to HELP.
6 second anaglyph format video clip, (for red/blue glasses).
6 second parallel format video clip, (half size).
6 second parallel format video clip, (full size).
6 second crosseye format video clip.
6 second interlaced format video clip, (for use with "shutter-glasses").
6 second full size (640 x 480) "over/under" format video clip,
(for use with various "sync-doubling" systems).
For longer samples and short clips from Ray3D video titles, click here!
Ray3D videos are available on video tape, CD-ROM and DVD.
Standard video file configuration is interlaced,
(field-sequential), in 640 x 480 pixel size.
Click here to order!
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