Candle Stories

Candle Stories

Last Updated 6-11-01

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When you release your story we would love to have you share it with our village. Please write it down, describe the treasures found inside the candle and e-mail it to us, at:

Candle Stories

The following are stories written by people who have purchased our story candles in the past.

(Items in "parentheses" represent the treasures found inside the candles.)

"Adventures with Acorn"

I found a "turtle". It was when I was traveling in Guatemala with my friend. I knew right away it was a very special turtle. I followed it around the beach. It led me to many treasures. I found a "Guatemala coin". It went immediately into my pocket because you never know when you might need a coin.

Kathy, my friend, and I traveled with Acorn, my found turtle. I named him Acorn because his back had markings that looked like acorns. He was very slow and knew exactly where he wanted to go. At night we would take out our blankets and lay on the warm sand. The "stars" and "moon" shined on us and kept us company. It was a bit lonely. I missed my mom and dad but I had Kathy, Acorn and the stars and moon.

We had a good sleep when Acorn began is traveling again early in the morning. He brought us to a rocky place where Kathy found a "crystal". It was so beautiful. It was clear and the closer we looked at it we could see things inside of it. I could see my house way back in Iowa. Kathy could see her bratty brother. This magic crystal found it's way into Kathy's pocket. Now we each had something to remind us of our enchanting trip to Guatemala. The saddest part was when we had to go home and leave Acorn behind. He didn't seem to mind. I think that he will lead many others on treasure journeys.

SC 6/27/01

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