Silver Star Studios, treasure candles, stained glass stars

Silver Star Studios

Last Updated 10-18-07

"Treasure Candles", "Story Candles"
"Stained Glass Stars"

"Treasure Candles"

click here for a closer look.

Each colorful hand-crafted candle has buried inside at least 4 treasures.

A fun gift for children (adult supervision required) or adults. Watch the flames as the fire reveals pewter pieces, crystals, carved rocks, etc. Carefully remove the pieces from the fire with a chopstick and gently rub off warm wax with a paper towel.

Enjoy the warm glow of candle light and may the tokens speak to you.

Treasure candles arrive gift wrapped in iridescent cellophane, tied with a festive ribbon.

"Story Candles"

Many, many years ago in a community far away there were storytellers. They roamed around the countryside giving up their stories to anyone who wanted to sit and listen. This custom was cherished for generations until mad King Ludwig came into power.

King Ludwig was very jealous of the popularity of the traveling storytellers. He rounded them up and put them on ships and sent them far across the vast seas.

What King Ludwig didn't know was that before the talented storytellers were rounded up they had hidden their stories in candles. These candles were a safe haven to carry the stories from village to village without the King knowing. The people would burn the candles to release the stories hidden inside. And so...the stories lived on.

When you have released your story, we would love to have you share it with our village. Please write it down, describe the treasures found inside the candle, and e-mail it to us, at: Silver Star Studios

To read stories from our past customers, click: Candle Stories

Story candles arrive gift wrapped in iridescent cellophane, tied with a festive ribbon. They include a small scroll with "The Legend of the Storytellers".

"Stained Glass Stars"

click here for a closer look.

Individually hand crafted, fully three dimensional stained glass stars each surrounding an Austrian crystal.

Stars are approximately 9" in diameter and come in a variety of sparkling colors.

A unique gift for holidays, birthdays, new baby, house warming, etc. When hung in a sunny window, rainbows will decorate the room.

Each star is double boxed for ensured protection during shipping.

Click here to order


All materials on this site Copyright© Ray & Susan Hannisian 2000-'07